Friday, April 25, 2008

The Arrival of the 360

I purchased my Xbox 360 back in the Philippines on December of 2006. I have a CRT HDTV that's capable of running 720p and 1080i signals, and I wanted to make use of its full potential. My generic DVD player couldn't upscale the movies I had, and can only do a 480p or a 1080i resolution. The playstation 2 I had can only run at 480p on selected games only. The 360 was the only choice I had to get the full potential of my TV set. And it was well worth it.

The first 360 game I purchased was Gears of War. A futuristic 3rd person shooter where you battle it out with alien hordes known as the "Locusts". The game ushers dawn of next gen games. The visuals are stunning. The details on the characters make them seem like I was watching a movie because of their life-like appearance. The game is easy to get used to, I loved the cover system, where you need to take cover behind any available object to protect yourself from enemy fire. And the story is engaging, never a dull or repetitive moment. From the moment the game begins, you feel like you have to push on, and get to the end of the Act. Once you finish each Act, you feel a sense of relief and accomplishment, not to mention the achievements unlocked. I finished the game in a couple of days. I never thought they'd make games this good, I said to myself.

The developers of Gears of War, Epic, are coming out with Gears of War 2 on November. Its definitely gonna be a tough act to follow, but I'm sure those guys are creative enough to come out with another masterpiece. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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